The series The Beautiful Healing Tree symbolises contact with the healing power of nature, always within our reach. It serves as a reminder to protect what we need the most: as ephemeral beings, we depend desperately on nature for survival. When we harm it, we ultimately hurt ourselves. Preserving nature becomes one of our most important duties. Preserving nature becomes one of our most important duties. Nature is our ally, unaffected by time, and its value is immeasurable.

La serie El Maravilloso Árbol Curativo simboliza el vínculo con el poder sanador de la naturaleza, siempre accesible para el ser humano. También es un llamado a proteger lo que más necesitamos: somos efímeros y dependemos desesperadamente de la naturaleza para sobrevivir. Si la herimos, nos lastimamos a nosotros mismos. Preservar la naturaleza debe ser uno de nuestros deberes más importantes. Ella solo nos puede ayudar, y a diferencia de nosotros, no nos necesita para persistir. Es eterna e invaluable.

Die Serie Der Wunderbaren Heilenden Bäume (The BHT) zeigen den Kontakt mit der heilenden Kraft der Natur. Immer in der Nähe des Menschen. Die Erhaltung der Natur muss eine unserer wichtigsten Aufgaben sein.

La serie Il Meraviglioso Albero Curativo simbolizza il potere curativo della natura, sempre accessibile per l'essere umano. È anche un appello a proteggere ciò di cui abbiamo più bisogno: siamo effimeri e dipendiamo disperatamente dalla natura per sopravvivere. Se la feriamo, ci stiamo autolesionando. Preservare la natura dovrebbe essere uno dei nostri doveri più importanti. Lei può solo aiutarci, e a differenza di noi, non ha bisogno di nulla per persistere. È eterna e inestimabile.

The Beautiful Healing Tree series (for the Beautiful Yoga Room project),  mixed technic on canvas, 250 x 130 cm
The Beautiful Healing Tree series (for the Beautiful Yoga Room project), mixed technic on canvas, 250 x 130 cm
The B.H.T. + F.& T., 2015/16, acrylic, lapiz, resin, marble, paper, gold, silver on canvas, different sizes installation
The B.H.T. + F.& T., 2015/16, acrylic, lapiz, resin, marble, paper, gold, silver on canvas, different sizes installation
White Forest, The BHT series, 2013, acrylic, marble, resin on canvas, 41 x 68 cm
White Forest, The BHT series, 2013, acrylic, marble, resin on canvas, 41 x 68 cm
The Beautiful Healing Tree,  acrylic, marble, resin, gold, lapiz on canvas, 130 x 200 cm
The Beautiful Healing Tree, acrylic, marble, resin, gold, lapiz on canvas, 130 x 200 cm
The BHT - Blu I, 2012, acrylic, marble, resin, gold on canvas, 132x42 cm
The BHT - Blu I, 2012, acrylic, marble, resin, gold on canvas, 132x42 cm

The Beautiful Healing Tree


Find a tree, the most beautiful one, with a trunk that gives life and deep roots. A tree that exudes golden resin, a tree that transmits deep emotions, a tree that attracts you because of its firmness, because of its strength, its stability, its power of resistance. Because of its immutability in the face of life's occurrences. You will find it near your home, do not look in far-flung forests. Observe it, embrace it, absorb its energy. 




El Maravilloso Árbol Curativo


Encuentra un árbol, el más bello, que tenga raíces hondas, con el tronco que genere vida, que suelte resinas de oro, que te transmita emociones profundas, que te atraiga por su firmeza, su seguridad, su estabilidad, su resistencia, su impasibilidad ante los acontecimientos. Lo encontrarás cerca de tu casa, no busques en bosques lejanos. Obsérvalo, abrázalo, absorbe su energía.